Shelton Trucking LLC

In the transportation business since 1969

24058 NW SR 73, Altha, Florida, 32421


If you're in the market for a trucking company to fit your needs then you should know that Shelton Trucking knows trucking, since we have been in the transportation business since 1969. We do not rest on our past success here at Shelton Trucking, however. We continue to utilize new technology such as electronic logs so that we may continue to add to the vast array of qualifications we possess here at Shelton Trucking. Some of those existing qualifications include our experience, quality of service, & reliability. Together, our established and proven methods of shipping various products makes Shelton Trucking the transportation vendor you're looking for.

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Special Offer
Walk away Lease Purchase Positions available!

We offer a non-binding lease option with NO credit check and NO down payment! Lease drivers get paid 68% revenue of every load they haul and 100% fuel surcharge. You get a non-binding lease to purchase contract on the truck of your choice from our available fleet. This program is designed to benefit the driver.

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