Pioneer Electric Cooperative

Your Touchstone Energy Cooperative. The Power of Human Connections.

300 Herbert Street, Greenville, Alabama, 36037


At Pioneer, members are at the top of the organizational chart because they are the owners. Each person receiving electric service is a member, and they elect the Board of Trustees. Nine trustees each represent a district. The board sets the co-op's policies and rates and hires the president/chief executive officer, who reports to and is directly responsible to the board. Terry Moseley is the current Executive Vice President/General Manager.

Annual membership meetings are held in October each year. At this meeting, members hear reports on the co-op and elect trustees. Members who cannot attend in person are still able to participate in the business of the cooperative by mail-in ballot, which are distributed the month prior to annual meeting by mail.

The cooperative’s service area covers south central Alabama and include most of the rural areas of Butler, Lowndes, Dallas and Wilcox counties. The service area does extend into five other counties which include parts of Autauga, Crenshaw, Covington, Conecuh and Monroe counties. We currently serve approximately 13,500 electric services in the entire Pioneer service area.

MON 07:00am - 04:00pm
TUE 07:00am - 04:00pm
WED 07:00am - 04:00pm
THU 07:00am - 04:00pm
FRI 07:00am - 04:00pm

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