Outdoor Gear Exchange

Outfitting Vermont's Adventures since 1995

37 Church Street, Burlington, Vermont, 05401


Outdoor Gear Exchange is a single door outdoor retailer located in Burlington, VT on Church Street. Opening its doors in 1995 with a small selection of new and used outdoor equipment, OGE has since grown to be one of the largest outdoor retailers in the country. We pride ourselves on providing our community with honest, experienced, and friendly service to get them outfitted for their next camping, hiking, biking, climbing, or skiing adventure. OGE's broad selection of new, used, and discounted equipment and clothing is guaranteed to fit everyone's budget!

MON 24 Hours
TUE 24 Hours
WED 24 Hours
THU 24 Hours
FRI 24 Hours
SAT 24 Hours
SUN 24 Hours

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