One Day In July LLC

Local independent financial advisors

77 College Street Suite #3A, Burlington, Vermont, 05401


As financial advisors, we invest using low-cost, diversified index funds. Our approach rests on Nobel Prize-winning research and decades of empirical academic studies.

Shelburne, Vermont Office: 5247 Shelburne Rd. #101, Shelburne, VT 05482 - Phone: (802) 338-6326
Portsmouth, New Hampshire Office: 4 Market Street, 2nd Floor, Portsmouth, NH 03801 - Phone: (603) 531-3773

MON 08:00am - 05:00pm
TUE 08:00am - 05:00pm
WED 08:00am - 05:00pm
THU 08:00am - 05:00pm
FRI 08:00am - 05:00pm
SAT 08:00am - 05:00pm
SUN 08:00am - 05:00pm
Events and Information

Contact One Day In July to get in touch with an advisor near you to set up a free consultation.

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