Generations Physical Therapy

Comprehensive Rehabilitative Services

3705 Teays Valley Road, Suite 100, Hurricane, West Virginia, 25526

(304) 760-5660

Generations Physical Therapy offers comprehensive rehabilitation services to help meet the needs of individuals with a variety of medical conditions. Generations Physical Therapy has multiple centers for convenient access, reducing the need for costly travel. We offer the best in physical therapy right in your community. Also, the physical therapists at Generations Physical Therapy offer telerehabilitation so that you can receive physical therapy in your home, on your time, through video conference.

Charleston, WV Clinic
13 Kanawha Blvd. W.
Charleston, WV 25302

Teays Valley, WV Clinic
3705 Teays Valley Rd., #100
Hurricane, WV 25526

Winfield, WV Clinic
12510 Winfield Rd.
Winfield, WV 25213

Milton, WV Clinic
305 Main St.
Milton, WV 25541

Barboursville, WV Clinic
3554 Rt. 60 E.
Barboursville, WV 25504

Grayson, KY Clinic
144 S. Carol Malone Blvd.
Grayson, KY 41143

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