Fred Dickey Funeral & Cremation Services

Quality Service & Expert Care Guaranteed For Your Satisfaction

1320 Trey Drive, Laredo, Texas, 78041

(956) 723-3611

Some funeral homes are proud of their generations of service to their neighbors. But not many can say they have served their community for hundreds of years. In fact, Fred Dickey Funeral & Cremation Services is almost as old as Laredo itself.
Some of our early history has been lost in time, but we do know that sometime in the 1800s, John Convery set up his livery stable and funeral business in what would become downtown Laredo. In 1917 H. L. Jackson purchased the funeral establishment and operated it with his sons as Jackson Funeral Home, serving Laredo for over fifty years. In the 1970s it was purchased by Services Corporation International, but then brought back to local ownership by Fred Buitron in 1991. He changed the name to Buitron Funeral Home and moved to its present address at the old Laredo Air Force Base. In 2007 Fred Dickey, Jr. purchased Buitron Funeral Home.
Today, we serve Laredo as Fred Dickey Funeral & Cremation Services, Buitron Chapel. We uphold our firm’s legacy of service by exceeding your expectations in all areas of our business. Absolute excellence is our minimum standard. When you trust us to help honor your loved one, you will be treated with the highest levels compassion and respect. That is our goal and our promise.

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