Coperni 2 Charter School

Struggling to educate your student at home?

525 E. Costilla St, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80903


We can help. We are a high-quality, K-7 charter school and are now providing rigorous and comprehensive E-learning (at home, on-line learning) for all of our students.

Our students have daily on-line lessons from 9:00 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.

→ Live teachers
→ Instruction in Lang. Arts, Math, and Science
→ Real-time feedback
→ Progress monitoring
Also included in our e-learning is Dance, PE, Art, and Music

This rigorous E-learning is FREE for all students. Enroll now, and we can get your student started within 48 hours. We only have 15 additional seats per grade so sign up right away!

We will provide the best education possible.

Enroll now at or call 719-473-8088 for more information.Coperni 2 is a free public charter school founded on the belief that ALL students can learn and achieve their greatest potential. We offer FREE state-of-the-art e-learning programs that include live online instruction for all students K- 7 grade.

Events and Information

Virtual MEET and Greet on Wednesday, April 22nd at 5 PM - Go to our Facebook page to sign up!

Special Offer
FREE School Shirt with Enrollment!

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