Clean Technique, Inc.

A Clean home is A Healthy Home!!

2274 B ruffner rd., birmingham, Alabama, 35210


We are a home cleaning service Establish in 1990. Fully Insured and Bonded. All Employees have drug test and back ground check. We furnish all cleaning supplies.
Clean Technique specializing Deep cleanings and Disinfecting homes.

MON 07:30am - 04:30pm
TUE 07:30am - 04:30pm
WED 07:30am - 04:30pm
THU 07:30am - 04:30pm
FRI 07:30am - 04:30pm
SAT 07:30am - 04:30pm
SUN 07:30am - 04:30pm
Special Offer
We always give a 1st time in discount.

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