Center for Relationships Counseling

Counseling, telehealth services serving Central Kentucky

101 Wind Haven Dr #202, Nicholasville, Kentucky, 40356


We offer couples, marriage, relationship and individual outpatient counseling for mental health serving a wide range of ages and needs. Services provided via telehealth and in-person. Our office is conveniently located 5 minutes from Lexington’s New Circle Road, just off Harrodsburg Road, approximately one mile south of the Man O’ War, Harrodsburg Road Intersection, at the Jessamine County line. We also have an office in Frankfort, Ky

15 Locust Dr., Frankfort, Kentucky

MON 08:00am - 06:30pm
TUE 08:00am - 06:30pm
WED 08:00am - 06:30pm
THU 08:00am - 06:30pm
FRI 08:00am - 06:30pm
SAT 08:30am - 01:30pm

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