Amputee Prosthetic Clinic


805 Camden Way, Tifton, Georgia, 31794


Be safe everyone, the end is near for this worldwide situation, we hope.
Routine follow up appointments are cancelled until the state lock-down is over.
For emergency services regarding your prosthetic limbs call us at
Tifton - 229-387-6600
Macon - 478-474-5678

Our mission at Amputee Prosthetic Clinic is to provide the most comprehensive amputee-centered and driven care to each client by providing product of unmatched quality and value and by helping amputees reach their goals prosthetically, professionally and personally.
We offer personalized care from trained and compassionate professionals.
Amputee Prosthetic Clinic provides services to southeast and central Georgia. We are THE regional experts for prosthetic management. We hand-cast and handcraft most devices in-house. Our facilities are designed to help every amputee meet their specific, yet realistic goals. Our fabrication labs are all on site. We control the prosthetic process from start to finish. This means less office visits for our patients, less time off work, and less travel for family members who provide transportation.

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