Aeternus Herbals

Aeternus Herbals - tinctures & topicals to promote better health - ...natural solutions for natural beings...

NIXA, Missouri, 65714


Aeternus Herbals makes herbal tinctures (extracts) and herbal topicals (salves, balms) - herbal supplements used to promote better health. All products are made by me, right here in the Ozarks. Nothing artificial or chemical is ever used. I sell at local farmers markets (listed here) and online via my own website ( or eBay (

C-Street City Market, 321 E Commercial Street, Springfield, MO, Thu: 4-8 & Sat: 9-2
Fair Grove Farmers Market, 38 S Main Street, Fair Grove, MO, Wed: 3-6
Shepherd of the Hills Farmers Market, 5586 W 76 Country Blvd, Branson, MO, Fri: 3-6

WED 03:00pm - 06:00pm
THU 04:00pm - 08:00pm
FRI 03:00pm - 06:00pm
SAT 09:00am - 02:00pm
Special Offer
20% off entire order - if you mention that you found Aeternus Herbals here @ KY3 Marketplace

in person at farmers markets - and online orders too (leave me a message with your order and a 20% rebate will be sent back to you with your order)

offer can only be used one time per customer

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