A-1 Gear and Auto

Auto Repair Shop in Florence SM

2073 Highway 49 S., Florence, Mississippi, 39073


Full service auto repair shop in Florence MS. Specialists in Rear Differentials, Engines, Alternators, Vehicle A/C Repair, Water Pumps, Tune-ups, Struts, Rear Ends, Posi-Trac, Timing Belts, Radiators, Starters, Tire Repair, Shocks and Rings & Pinions.

ASE certified mechanics are happy to assist you - call to schedule service! We're experienced, professional, and pricing is affordable.

Serving the entire Jackson MS area, including Richland, Madison, Pearl, Ridgeland, Star, Brandom, Byram, Whitfield, Braxton and Terry MS.

MON 07:30am - 05:30pm
TUE 07:30am - 05:30pm
WED 07:30am - 05:30pm
THU 07:30am - 05:30pm
FRI 07:30am - 05:30pm

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